~ Odd Lots ~(Odd stuff, and lots of it) |
Guest Stars |
Criticism (as an art or science, that is) |
the Halls of Mandos With Them!
The essay that
got evicted from ffnet.
Law in Action, Parts I & II
What would
have been the next part of the essay.
A structured interactive project, Arvernien.
[Archivist's Note: Arvernien has not been archived; it is a Yahoo group which has long since gone silent.]
Very Short Rants
(because I'm too busy/lazy to do longer ones) |
Farmers and God-Kings, or, Elven Princesses Don't Shop at The Gap
(slightly-edited version of a Henneth-Annun post)
these X" -- Mandatum for Writing Arda Immortals
How not to write Ally McBeal of Imladris
of Middle-earth or Ages of Our Lives . . .
Naming Conventions in Middle-earth, or, why you will never meet Serella,
Elanna, Callysta, Savina, Vedilia, Carelia, Analae, Telperion, Sydney,
Hoshi, Zoe, Faith and Friselle anywhere north-west of Mordor...
(Summary & title all in one)
Ack! It
Ate My Post!
A brief address to the problem of software-eaten e-mails
and online review forms, with helpful tips for averting the same.
Case of the Robotic Reviewer,"
or why a few words is not always enough, and sometimes
just four more are necessary.
Give Me the Facts,
A combined report/rant explaining the rationale for hitcounters.
Elephant in the Agora
A related examination of "free" services.
Real Idiot's Guide To The Silmarillion
Severe vitriol alert: those offended by caustic and merciless sarcasm
should probably steer far clear.
NOT to Write Ardaverse Romance
Sarcasm alerts, naturally.
"Fantasy is made out of the Primary World,
but a good craftsman loves his material, and has a knowledge and feeling for clay, stone and wood which only the art of making can give. By the forging of Gram cold iron was revealed; by the making of Pegasus horses were ennobled; in the Trees of the Sun and Moon root and stock, flower and fruit are manifested in glory." — from "On Fairy-stories," by J.R.R. Tolkien |