~ Odd Lots ~

    (Odd stuff, and lots of it)

Guest Stars

8/21/02  "On the Art of Creating Original Characters in Fanfic"
              by Architeuthis
              How to do it properly -- practical and artistic considerations.
Criticism (as an art or science, that is)

To the Halls of Mandos With Them!
          The essay that got evicted from ffnet.

Sturgeon's Law in Action, Parts I & II
           What would have been the next part of the essay.

A structured interactive project, Arvernien.
[Archivist's Note: Arvernien has not been archived; it is a Yahoo group which has long since gone silent.]
Very Short Rants
(because I'm too busy/lazy to do longer ones)

Of Farmers and God-Kings, or, Elven Princesses Don't Shop at The Gap
   (slightly-edited version of a Henneth-Annun post)

"Keep these X" -- Mandatum for Writing Arda Immortals
    How not to write Ally McBeal of Imladris or Friends of Middle-earth  or Ages of Our Lives . . .

Feminine Naming Conventions in Middle-earth, or, why you will never meet Serella, Elanna, Callysta, Savina, Vedilia, Carelia, Analae, Telperion, Sydney, Hoshi, Zoe, Faith and Friselle anywhere north-west of Mordor...
   (Summary & title all in one)

The Sexism of Jane Austen

Ack! It Ate My Post!
   A brief address to the problem of software-eaten e-mails and online review forms, with helpful tips for averting the same.

 "The Case of the Robotic Reviewer,"
   or why a few words is not always enough, and sometimes just four more are necessary.

Just Give Me the Facts,
   A combined report/rant explaining the rationale for hitcounters.
White Elephant in the Agora
   A related examination of "free" services.

The Real Idiot's Guide To The Silmarillion
Severe vitriol alert: those offended by caustic and merciless sarcasm should probably steer far clear.

How NOT to Write Ardaverse Romance
Sarcasm alerts, naturally.

"Fantasy is made out of the Primary World, 
but a good craftsman  loves his material,
and has a knowledge and feeling
for clay, stone  and wood 
which only the art of making can give. 
By the forging of Gram 
cold iron was revealed; 
by the making of Pegasus 
horses were ennobled; 
in the Trees of the Sun and Moon
root and stock, flower and fruit 
are manifested in glory."

— from "On Fairy-stories," by  J.R.R. Tolkien