The Shrine of Kaitlyn

Sacred to the Worship of the Three-fold Goddess of Fertility

The room is decorated in lush greens and deep reds. The walls appear to be covered with velvet, and there are silk drapes everywhere - no, really, everywhere. There is what seems to be an altar ahead of you, with cushions in front of it for kneeling on.

There is a rustling to one side of you, and an Acolyte dressed entirely in leaves appears, hands you a sheet of papyrus and a green bundle, and disappears into the drapery.

Welcome, gentle supplicant, to the Sacred Shrine of Kaitlyn, Three-fold Goddess of Fertility. The Goddess sees you in your entirety, and knows your desires, and it would be wise for you to have true understanding of your needs before you pray to Her. Come clad in the robes of Verdant Life to the Altar of Growth, and there may your prayer be heard.

The sound of singing stirs the air. You struggle to make out the words of the hymn.

All praise to the Goddess, Three-fold Kaitlyn
Praise her, the Bearer of Life!
In all of her aspects, give to her praise
Praise her, the Lover and Wife.

All praise to the Aspect, World One Kaitlyn
Who bore the first PPC child
The next generation to hear the sacred word
Praise her, the Light of the Wild!

All praise to the Aspect, Constance her name
Who left these grey halls for the green
Who bears many children in wilderness fair
Praise her, the Mother Unseen!

All praise to the Aspect, Shipverse Kaitlyn
Whose stamina is legend still
Who burns with a fire called love, lust or hunger
Praise her, who Conquers at Will!

So if you ask her blessing, know what you seek
Is it guidance for children your own?
Is it children to come, or life that is growing?
Or power, your 'Loved' One to 'know'?

All praise to the Goddess, Three-fold Kaitlyn
Praise her, the Bearer of Life!
In all of her aspects, give to her praise
Praise her, the Lover and Wife.

As you approach the altar, you see a small sign stuck to the front:


The Goddess can be whimsical at times. By approaching this altar, you acknowledge that you may be given a divine pregnancy, and accept that this is the will of the Goddess Kaitlyn, and is not to be questioned.

And yes, she does mpreg too.