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Little Obsessions

Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth

Elves, Mini-Balrogs, Lusters, Oh My!


A trip to Middle-earth of a different kind

Protectors of the Plot Continuum

Where Sues meet their proper end


Life and death in Las Vegas

Doctor Who

Time travels and sonic screwdrivers

Lord of The Rings

One Ring to rule them all

Water Rats

Love and crime in Sydney Harbour

A Little Bit of Norway

My home country

British Humor

A little love Declaration

aurora borealis over Norway

Writings and What-Not

Miss Sandman's Stories
Cam's Fanfic Recommendations
Links in a Chain
Fanfic Awards Won
Me, the Lady of Dreams
Email Me
What's New

Miss Sandman's World of Dreams is proud to host:

Jay and Acacia of the PPC Protectors of the Plot Continuum

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