"Never mess with a land where magic exists," the man went on. Then he took a deep breath and launched into what had to be a pre-planned speech. "But do not despair. You can still write fanfic. All you have to do is enrol and pass The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth. OFUM offers a wide range of subjects as diverse as Evil Is as Evil Does 101 taught by the esteemed Sauron himself and Poetry 202 with highly acclaimed author of 'Merry Dol and Dong Dillo: How to keep your neighbours out'; the one and only Tom Bombadil. Our esteem teaching staff also includes other well-known residences of Middle-earth. Upon successful completion you will be given a licence to write LotR fanfic. All clear?" -- One to Lina, explaining OFUM
New link to Lotrfanfiction.com, sadly, ff.net deleted OFUM2 and it can no longer be found there
Enrolment for year two is CLOSED at present. With 500 enrolled, OFUM's full.
Cunning Plans Gone Awry a.k.a. The OFUM Chapter That Never Was (But Did Happen)
OFUM Characters go to Earth, meeting actors and fangirls alike and there is mayhem, insanity and
world domination plots. Takes place during OFUM2's ch. 38&39. WIP. Part 7&8 up.
To read a German translation of OFUM's first year, go here
Some of the Badfic entries from "For Lord Elrond's sanity"! Gag at the horrors! Hurl at the crimes against Canon! And be afraid. Be very afraid.
-- The Philosopher At Large, in a comment about OFUM
Sadly, mini-Balrog adoption is no longer possible officially - but if you spot one in the wild, why not give it a new home?
See all the OFUM fanart here. Note that the page may take a while to load.
N�tuvaly� an nert�
Nert� na i n�t� n�tinocca
Iln�tuvaly� an kainen
Laum� an minqu�
Nert� na i n�t� otornass�o
Translated by Ninquelosse
If you want to do a spin-off of OFUM, it's quite easy:
The list below is out of date, but contains some of the OFUs that originally were done with permission.
You can also find many of the OFUs listed below in the OFU C2 archive at Fanfiction.net