warning & disclaimer
If the possibility that I will disagree with you on any matter, or
the presentation of any reasoned challenge to your beliefs, is likely
to anger or disturb you excessively, it is probably best for both of us
if you leave this door sealed — for it is more probable than not that I
will say something with which you will disagree; even as the fact
of my own positions having changed in response to new information and proofs
demonstrated has caused me to disagree with my own, past, self.
There will also be be occasional reference to tabu concepts, as well
as deliberate use of tabu language, as required by the subject under discussion
— but nothing, I promise, worse than would be heard on the bus of a morning
on the way to a small-town parish school, or more R-rated than a small-town
high school cafeteria. (If this does not entirely reassure you — it should
If, however, you choose to continue, and encounter something perturbing,
you have several options open to you. You may — unwisely — assume that
I know nothing at all whereof I speak, and merely parrot, unresearched,
the opinions of others, or that I must necessarily speak of that which
I have no direct experience, (for surely otherwise I would agree with you!)
and thus dismiss me to your own comfort. You may further choose to dismiss
everything else I write, in any area whatsoever. It's a free-will universe,
after all.
Or you may engage, do your own investigative research, examine
any arguments presented, and do your best to refute mine, which is by far
the most profitable employment of your time.
to Odd Lots