plan & purpose
This is a highly personal editorial page — but personal in a rather
different way from that of most of the blogging spectrum. You
would not, for example, find my views on the relative merits of various
condiments with regard to french fries, or the caffeinated beverage hierarchy,
unless for some reason it should appear incumbent upon me to make them
known and expound upon them in the interest of the common good.* Or chatty
remarks directed to people living in my neighborhood, personally known
to me, referring to things we have spoken about out loud elsewhere, and
thereby necessarily obscure to everyone else as an overheard conversation
at a checkout counter. Or updates on my cats. Not because I don't think
that anyone should engage in such things, but because I don't have
all that much free time, and I don't see that such use of it would be worth
anyone else's time, either.
Nor is there any real chronological importance
to the articles comprising the Orrery, other than the fact that current
events may have suggested the topic, or demanded a response; but I don't
write in such a way that without the moment-by-moment context, the observations
will be incomprehensible (or at least, so I hope) in the way that trying
to read a newspaper editorial from a hundred years ago is a difficult thing,
with all the topical significance of the references which were household
names when it was written abraded away by the destructive hand of Time.
(And this will be equally true of most editorial writing published today,
in another century.)
What you will find are occasional comments on subjects of topical
interest, some more limited than others in temporal scope, but all of them
considered from a background of wide-ranging if eclectic historical interest,
and far-reaching traditions of critical thought.
I call it, perhaps over-ambitiously, "the Orrery," rather than "Observations,"
because it is an attempt to craft with words a dynamic model of the known
world, reflecting as many different sources of data and perspective as
my limitations allow, rather than a view from a single fixed point — always
bearing in mind that it is but one individual model and subject to both
the errors and limits of the clockmaker, as well as to its own innate limitations.
Wherever possible, references will be provided, and if too long for
footnotes, via links to other permanent pages.
* Such as, for instance, if I were
to become aware of a widening schism complete with anaethematization of
dissenters over the question of the permissibility and respectability of
employing seasonings other than ketchup or vinegar, and stories told of
the suffering and intense mortification of those who either did or did
not dare risk the onus of asking for barbecue sauce with fries in a public
venue — then I might be inclined to divulge the psychological insulation
developed by many years of preferring sweet-and-sour-sauce, myself, and
various coping strategies…