[Sun Dec 28 19:39:16 EST 2003]
Gandalf: ... used to be Huinesoron, but
the stole my name... WIBBLE!
[Legolas] I thought we were in
[Celebrian] OH okay ^_^
[Pippin] *listens after Balrog*
[Frodo] ^_^ Hooray.
[Figwit] I could be Merry,
Figwit isn't exactly necessary
[Gandalf] Well met, kiddies.
[Aragorn] We're in Moria *nods*
[Kara] *Slightly Confused*
[Gandalf] ... I'm gonna die...
[Figwit] or Kara could be
[Elrond] You can be Figwit for
[Gimli] Home, sweet home! Wait,
everyone's dead!
[Celebrian] *mutters* Finally
got those stinky humans out of here
[Boromir] Don't worry, I'm
going to die too.
[Pippin] You want to angst a
little, Gandalf?
[Figwit] Ok *nods*
[Frodo] I bet I could get Kylie
to be Gollum, if no one else wants
[Boromir] *throws a rock in the
[Gandalf] Ooh, angst.
[Sam] *looks around fearfully
and clings to Frodo*
[Legolas] I have to cross the
Sea afterwards. It's not as angsty as
dying, but...
[Frodo] *fearfully angsts* I'm
cold and tired and far from home and
not like my uncle and . . . ooh! Riddles!
[Figwit] *pats Legolas* At
least you have lines
[Pippin] I get to wear pretty
armor! =0) I have no need for angst.
Go me!
[Gandalf] But I have to do that
too. *And* die. I get double
[Bill the Pony] *looks around
for more food*
[Kara] I guess I could be
Merry, but I don't RP much...
[Figwit] *gives Bill the Pony
Gandalf's hat*
[Gandalf] Neither do I!
[Pippin] *gives Bill the Pony a
[Gimli] You don't have to be
good, I think.
[Aragorn] I don't get to do
anything spiffy until we get to Rohan
[Elrond] *Parties with
Celebrian in Imladris* I thought they'd never
[Bill the Pony] *munches the
hat, then the carrot*
[Gimli] Just kind of make fun
of his lines and stuff.
[Pippin] Angst Aragorn, angst!
[Aragorn] Wait, I get to kill
[Legolas] You don't have to be
good, just funny.
[Figwit] And kiss Boromir
[Legolas] We're going to have
the Bad RolePlay department after
[Boromir] Is Pippin going to
throw any rocks down any wells?
[Gandalf] No! Hat! <Wallops
Bill with staff> Take that, foul
[Pippin] Stop angst, Aragorn,
stop angst!
[Celebrian] *dances*
[Figwit] That's important, too
[Aragorn] And kiss dead!Boromir
[Pippin] Yes, I will!
[Gimli] Only if we actually
POST this somewhere.
[Boromir] At least Boromir is
female this time.
[Legolas] Oooh, Gandalf's
having a Fizban moment! 'Where's my hat?'
[Gimli] Heh.
[Aragorn] But Aragorn is too!
[Boromir] Argh.
[Gimli] But that takes out the
slashy-ness of it!
[Frodo] *nurses nibbled cloak*
[Boromir] *confuzzlement*
[Gandalf] <Hits people with
staff> Gimme hat!
[Gimli] Ah, but that puts it
[Frodo] Got us a Gollum!
[Gimli] Yay!
[Frodo] ^_^
[Aragorn] That's why I'm gonna
marry Elrohir instead of Arwen. AW
said so
[Gimli] Now we just need a
[Boromir] Ah yes
[Figwit] *puts a party hat on
Gandal'fs head*
[Pippin] And AW's ALLWAYS
right. *nods*
[Gandalf] Yay! Hat! Thankies,
[Kara] I'll be Merry.
[Bill the Pony] *discreetly
munches Gandalf's old hat* _
[Frodo] Yaay!
[Gandalf] <Hits Bill>
[Gimli] So, log out and log
back in as Merry.
[Frodo] *glares at Bill and
clutches Cloak*
[Kara] ok
[Figwit] *pouts in morse code
"you're welcome"*
[Gimli] Bill!
[Legolas] Good. Last thing we
want is Gandalf having a worse Fizban
moment and throwing Fireball spells around.
[Boromir] So are we going to
move the plot forward or just argue?
[Bill the Pony] *retaliates
with his tail*
[Gimli] *nurses Bill's head*
[Gandalf] Ooh, I'm allowed to
do fireballs?
[Celebrian] *is getting
terribly confused*
[Sun Dec 28 19:43:23 EST 2003] Merry
has no profile.
[Figwit] Well, there is
something to be said for the arguing...
[Gimli] Hmm... We need more
mini-companions, methinks.
[Gandalf] Drat. Hobbits.
[Pippin] It's dark in Moria...
I can't find my mushrooms! *angsts*
[Aragorn] Gandalf needs to go
fight that balrog...
[Figwit] Though the plot may be
a good idea.
[Gandalf] <Hits Merry>
[Boromir] Plot... plot...
[Gimli] Plot... Can we DO that?
Is is possible?
[Legolas] OUR Gandalf can fight
Barlog the Balrog.
[Frodo] Hey! You're not
allowed to angst! I'M the angsty
hobbit here! Oh my poor spelling and proper typing . .
[Aragorn] Somebody shove
Gandalf off the bridge, and then we can
move on to Lothlorien
[Celebrian] *summons a balrog*
[Gandalf] Look! Frodo, Boromir
is plotting! Stop him... her...
[Gandalf] Ai! Balrog!
[Frodo] Eeek! *runs from
[Merry] I'll be back.
[Gimli] Here's Kevandis, then.
[Gandalf] Run, everyone! This
is a foe beyond any of you!
[Celebrian] *flatly
telepathically* Oh look, a balrog is there. Go
fight it
[Pippin] Watch Pippin's Thooper
Speshul angsting powerz! Moahaha!
[Frodo] That's it, I'm getting
out of this crazy place. Boat!
[Legolas] *crosses the bridge
and shoots arrows at the Balrog?*
[Figwit] *runs and pouts at the
same time*
[Boromir] *crosses bridge,
still plotting8
[Gandalf] ... everyone gone?
[Boromir] *
[Frodo] .. . nope, still here.
[Aragorn] *crosses bridge also*
[Gandalf] Cwm on, kiddies, run.
[Pippin] I'm here!
[Aragorn] Yeah...we're
[Gandalf] I want my dramatic
[Sam] *runrunrunrunrunrun*
[Pippin] *runs*
[Gimli] *rides Alberish off the
bridge* Woe, for I cannot save our
friend Gandalf!
[Celebrian] Hehe
[Frodo] Oh, right.
[Aragorn] *drags Frodo*
[Figwit] *grabs Vanyels and
dashes across the bridge*
[Legolas] My arrows aren't
hurting it... *runs*
[Pippin] I'm sad too!
*angsts... and sobs...*
[Gandalf] <Turns to
Balrog> Right! You, stop that right now!
[Gimli] Don't forget Silver
Fox, Legolas!
[Celebrian] *gives up on
following the Nine's progress and decides to
redecorate Rivendell*
[Figwit] *pouts at the
Balrog* Arg! My pouting powers
aren't working!
[Boromir] *runs, not according
to plot*
[Elrond] *has the gift of
foresight and would say "told you so" but
no one is there to hear him say so*
[Gandalf] I am a servant of the
Secret Fire, Wielder of...
something... and something of something else. Oh, for Someone's sake...
[Aragorn] Just fall off the
stinkin' bridge -__-
[Figwit] Oh, just fall already
[Sam] *whispers* Arnor!
[Frodo] NOOOO!
GANDAAAALF! You'll give me another reason
to angst!
[Pippin] You go, Gandalf!
[Celebrian] Real dramatic
moment theree, Gandy ;)
[Figwit] *pushes Gandalf*
[Bill the Pony] If we still
need a Gollum, Bill isn't exactly
supposed to be around after Moria...
[Frodo] Fine by me.
[Aragorn] Well, there goes
Gandalf, come on Frodo
[Aragorn] Alright, whine whine,
get off your lazy bums and get moving...Lothlorien's just up ahead!
[Figwit] Anyone but Bill!
[Elrond] I deem Bill now Gollum
[Sun Dec 28 19:47:23 EST 2003] LeoD:
...o.0 *sploink*
[Frodo] ;_; aww.
[Figwit] *sobs*
[Celebrian] By the Wolves of
Isengard they missed the Fellowship
[Boromir] No, we have to stay
here and get eaten.
[Gandalf] I have a big stick
and I am a Demigod! Go away, Balrog!
You shall not pass! Oh, who put that rock there... <Falls>
[Sam] *sobs*
[Bill the Pony] *one last munch
on Gandalf's hat*
[Pippin] *sobs* Gandalf...
[Sun Dec 28 19:47:50 EST 2003]
Gollum: ...Otherwise known as Jon and
Bill the Pony.
[Frodo] Then how does he get
back to the . . . Gandalf!
nooooo! *wail*
[Aragorn] Go Legolas! Run like
a girl!
[Gandalf] <Wanders around
looking dead>
[Figwit] Have fun getting a
change of wardrobe!
[Gimli] Come now, Frodo, you
will surly get over this.
[Sam] Father figure had died.
We're doomed Mr Frodo.
[Figwit] *waves byebye to
[Pippin] If you fall into
Moria, you shall dye!
[Sun Dec 28 19:48:17 EST 2003]
Fawkes: Woo-hoo!
[Boromir] Quick, everyone run
out so I can go last, like the brave
hero I am1
[Celebrian] Ehehehe
[Boromir] !
[Celebrian] *watches Hobbits
fall on rocks and start sobbing*
[Aragorn] We are out. We're in
Lothlorien now. Ta da!
[Gimli] Very well. *runs out*
[Legolas] I will not run like a
girl, I'll run like an elf! Damn
sexist Ranger.
[Figwit] *runs out*
[Pippin] *runs out, spilling
mushrooms everywhere*
[Elrond] *thinking* Git
[Sun Dec 28 19:48:40 EST 2003] Eowyn:
mewhehee, I'm back!
[Figwit] Poor widdle hobbitses
[Aragorn] Fine. Be that way
[Gandalf] But I'm not quite
dea...... <Splat> Ow...
[Boromir] Hey! I don't like
Elves. I don't want to go in here.
[Eowyn] hello again!
[Frodo] Oh woe. Now my
father-figure is dead, and I have to
get a carried out by my stalker. My life sucks!
[Eowyn] lol
[Aragorn] Oh well, you're going
[Celebrian] Elves are hot
Boromir, shush.
[Elrond] They're just out of
Moria... It'll be a while before they
get to Edoras.
[Frodo] Look at the shiny trees!
[Aragorn] Maybe...
[Gimli] Look at all the elves
here in Lothlorien...
[Gollum] *wonders how he can
discretely follow the Fellowship out of
[Sam] Ooooo's
[Boromir] I don't wanna...
[Eowyn] that depends on how
many 'Sues are with them
[Gandalf] <Flicks to
Omnipotent Narrator Mode> Hehehe...
[Eowyn] lol
[Elrond] lol
[Figwit] I don't think we
actually have any 'Sues at the moment...
[Pippin] *grins*
[Boromir] Figwit is a Sue, kind
[Elrond] All Canon
[Figwit] Well, besides me.
[Eowyn] thats good
[Eowyn] Can I join?
[Figwit] I'm movie canon...sort
[Gimli] Well, what about Dor?
[Elrond] Or... Cannon. >:D
[Gandalf] Using the power of my
Godness, I declare that any
non-present female characters shall join the Fellowship. That'd be
[Pippin] Cannons go BOOM! *nods
[Boromir] What about Celebrian?
[Gandalf] ... her too.
[Figwit] Doesn't that kind of
make them 'Sues?
[Gandalf] Yep!
[Aragorn] Alright already,
where's Galadriel? She has to give Frodo Earendil's Glowstick
[Elrond] *follows Celebrian
like a lost puppy*
[Legolas] Uh-oh, now we'll have
the Godplaying department after us,
[Boromir] KILL THEM!
[Celebrian] *joins the
Fellowship and glares at Gandalf* I was in the
middle of pinting mine and Elrond's room!
[Boromir] Pinting?
[Gandalf] I'm allowed to play
God, I *am* a God!
[Frodo] Yes, I need a
[Aragorn] Pinting? O_o
[Pippin] It comes in pints?
[Celebrian] *Painting
[Aragorn] Frodo is scared of
the dark. Poor hobbit
[Elrond] You're an angel's
servant, actually.
[Boromir] *clears throat* So
here we are in Lorien.
[Gandalf] I'm still Ainu.
[Figwit] You're speshul
[Gandalf] Silly Boromir, trying
to be serious...
[Aragorn] Yes, Lorien. Look at
the pretty trees. And pretty elves.
[Boromir] Plot... plot...
[Frodo] Whatever. Where's
my glowstick?
[Pippin] *beams* I am, aren't I?
[Figwit] Right, Lorien
[Legolas] *wanders off to spend
time with the other pretty elves?*
[Gimli] Gandalf, you're sort of
narrating, narrate Frodo getting
Earendil's Glowstick from Galadriel.
[Gollum] *stalks people*
[Aragorn] Oh, Boromir, you get
to be angsty now
[Sam] *tries poetry and sucks
[Boromir] *mutters about
[Frodo] *is stalked*
[Boromir] Argh! Mini!
[Gimli] Call Miss Cam!
[Legolas] *bundles it up and
ships it to OFUM*
[Pippin] *pats Evil!Galadrel*
[Celebrian] Hey mum, dad
[Figwit] *shoves Gimli after
Legolas* Go. Bond.
Become friends.
[Aragorn] *remembers fond
memories of...Elrohir*
[Gimli] Sure, sure.
[Boromir] Alas, for she sees
into my head... and tempts me... and...
[Sun Dec 28 19:52:58 EST 2003] Eowyn:
Once again, I'm back :)
[Gandalf] And Frodo wandered
around going 'Angst! Angst!' until a
freaky glowing woman shoved him into a birdbath and gave him a Glowrod
of Earendil.
[Gimli] So, Legolas, who go
things at OFUX?
[Eowyn] hi...again
[Boromir] *angts*
[Eowyn] lol
[Aragorn] Glowstick, glowstick,
[Frodo] *is wet, but now has
nightlight* Works for me!
[Figwit] *goes and chats with
unnamed background elves in Lothlorien*
[Eowyn] ...glowrod?
[Elrond] *looks over Aragorn*
You can't marry my son.
[Gandalf] ... sorry, Star Wars
[Celebrian] *has a motherly
chat with galadriel* These humans, hobbits,
adn dwarves, STINk mother. Please kill them or something.
[Eowyn] lol
[Boromir] C, Toy iz tepmting
[Legolas] The students are
tormented, and the characters are amused.
[Eowyn] ...
[Aragorn] You're supposed to
tell Elrohir that he can't marry *me*
[Merry] Hi... again
[Pippin] Oi, I do not STINK!
*smells self* All right, maybe I stink
a little...
[Boromir] *angst*
[Elrond] He has to go with his
[Figwit] I certainly don't
[Boromir] So is it time to get
our presents and go yet?
[Eowyn] Maybe you should take a
bath Pippin...
[Aragorn] I would have him go
off to Valinor...
[Celebrian] Yeah, my son ain't
marrying no human!
[Figwit] I'm clean, in all my
two seconds of film time.
[Frodo] I don't stink, I just
bathed in Galadriel's mirror.
[Pippin] You're speshul. =0)
[Celebrian] :D
[Boromir] Plot... plot...
[Aragorn] She stays because she
has hope! Yeah, that's it...
[Aragorn] Er him!
[Gandalf] Everyone gets
presents except Boz from Celebrian's mother.
No go away so I can get my clothes washed.
[Pippin] Maybe I should. *goes
and takes bath in Galadriels mirror*
[Gandalf] ^Now
[Boromir] Angst... angst...
[Sam] *follows Frodo*
[Aragorn] Okay, time to leave
Lorien then. Boats!
[Frodo] *wanders around looking
[Gimli] Look! The boats are
about to leave without us!
[Celebrian] Could we use a
special time-travveling device?
[Boromir] *stalks Frodo*
[Eowyn] Can I give Pippin a
bath? He's such a cuddly hobbit
[Legolas] *hurries to boats
with Gimli*
[Figwit] *jumps in a boat and
starts munching Lembas*
[Celebrian] To say... Mt Dom
adn the Blak gate?
[Pippin] Pretty boats...
*climbs in* I don't have to row! *is happy*
[Frodo] *wibble* ;_; my life
[Legolas] Sorry, we were
bonding. NOT, as fangirls would have you
think, banging.
[Gandalf] No, Celebrian, that's
[Celebrian] Blah...
[Sam] I wanna row but they're
mean and won't let me! *angst*
[Celebrian] But I'm en elven
[Gandalf] And then I wouldn't
get to come back.
[Gimli] We could fix that,
[Legolas] (*snicker*)
[Frodo] That's because you'll
make the boat go over, Sam.
[Figwit] Ooooh no, none of that.
[Boromir] *stalks Frodo
some more...*
[Legolas] Bad Gimli, no slash!
[Eowyn] lol
[Gimli] Aw, damn.
[Figwit] *thwaps Boromir*
[Frodo] Hey Sam, ever get that
feeling you're being watched?
[Pippin] *sings to Boromir,
Aragorn and Legolas* Row, row, row the
[Boromir] *thwaps Figwit* At
least I'm canon!
[Eowyn] No singing!
[Aragorn] Alright kids...
[Sun Dec 28 19:56:48 EST 2003] Eomer:
The man who would be king
[Gandalf] <Takes Eagle
Airlines into Lorien; Starts stalking the
[Sam] *looks around worried and
clings to Frodo*
[Figwit] Oh ya? Well...I
can pout!
[Pippin] I sing, for I have a
pwetty voice. so there!
[Boromir] Plot...
[Aragorn] Don't make me come
back there
[Figwit] So there!
[Celebrian] Hey look *points*
Big men... at least they're better lookign then them stinky twerps
[Eowyn] *sticks out tounge at
[Gimli] I cans sing, but my
voice isn't as pretty.
[Pippin] *sticks out tounge at
[Frodo] I can sing drinking
[Boromir] Isn't it time for me
to die?
[Aragorn] Okay, enough boat
[Gollum] *floats down the river
on a log* We wants Precios
back... We wantes Toy!!one1!
[Legolas] *sings a song of the
elves in his beautiful elven voice*
[Aragorn] Yeah
[Gimli] Not quite yet.
[Aragorn] There are orcs!
[Eowyn] Pippin's mocking me!
[Sam] I don't like boats.
[Gandalf] And thus they arrived
at some big wet place.
[Pippin] Show-off... *mutters
at Legolas*
[Boromir] *stalks Frodo*
[Aragorn] We skipped ahead a
[Gimli] First you have to try
to steal the Toe Ring.
[Sam] I'm fat and therefore I
can't swim.
[Figwit] Yay! big wet places!
[Legolas] *is amused greatly*
[Sam] Can't even float
[Frodo] *walks around and looks
vulnerable* Angst angst angst!
[Pippin] Yes I am! And I do a
good job!
[Boromir] lik, hey FRodo!!!11
[Figwit] Go, Boromir, that's
your cue!
[Eowyn] Since he can't swim he
will eventually get in water and
almost drown
[Frodo] Aaah!
Leeeve me aloooone!
*Celebrian was sitting on a rock filing her nails*
[Figwit] Just to prove his
[Boromir] like, can i hav ur
[Elrond] *glares at Boromir
from a distance*
[Boromir] Pleeeeez?
[Gandalf] <Appears to
Fellowship> Hey, go kill Boromir and
then all go off to Mordor, yah?
[Eowyn] And I think BOromir's
been corrupted by fangirls
[Boromir] its really mine u
[Boromir] *dies*
[Legolas] Possession-Sue!
[Frodo] *puts on Toey* Bi mi
badd spelin yoo kant hav it its min!
*Runs away*
[Aragorn] Oh, I wonder where
Boromir and Frodo are....
[Eowyn] ...
[Figwit] Oops
[Eomer] AUGH! Corrupted
[Elrond] *furrows his brow and
thus uses the eyebrows of Doom*
[Pippin] So do I...
[Frodo] I'm getting out of this
crazy place! *hops in boat*
[Figwit] Ack! Eyebrows of
[Boromir] Alas! I was corrupted!
[Eowyn] How can we lose two
[Frodo] And not even my loyal,
devoted, puppy=like servant can come
with me . . .
[Gimli] *kills orcs*
[Boromir] Ai!
[Sam] *realizes Frodo's missing*
[Boromir] But now it is to late!
[Pippin] Woe is you, Boromir...
[Gandalf] Everyone follow
Frodo! Can't handle splitting up! No! Darn.
[Boromir] *angst angst*
[Aragorn] Well, we won't need
to save all of it...
[Eowyn] which means he
eventually will
[Frodo] Gosh, it's taking me an
awfully long time to figure out how
to work this boat . . .
[Figwit] *pouts the orcs to
death* Take that!
*runrunrunlookworryrunrun* *think* *runs to the boats*
[Boromir] *gets killed*
[Pippin] *is being
hobbit-napped by Orcs* Can I angst now?
[Legolas] *shoots the orcs*
[Aragorn] Oh right *kills orcs*
[Boromir] Ai, I'm dead!
[Figwit] Yes, Pippin, angst away
[Eowyn] since I'm not supposed
to be here I'm going to hide behind
this rock here *hides*
[Aragorn] Oh no, Boromir!
[Gimli] *chops orcs with ax*
[Figwit] Aragorn, got kiss
Boromir so we can move on
[Eomer] *counts stalks of grass
on the plains as he waits for the
Three Hunters to show up*
[Aragorn] *angsts*
[Frodo] Stupid boat!
You're in league with the stupid
ring! You're all stupid! Stupid stupid stupid!
[Figwit] *go
[Boromir] They got the hobbits.
[Aragorn] *kisses dead!Boromir
[Celebrian] *looks at dead
Boromir and squirmns as Aragorn kisses him*
[Sam] *follows boat*
[Gandalf] Blast it, none of
them listen to me. <Hops on eagle and
rides off>
[Pippin] *angsts* Woe is I, for
smelly things are carrying me to my
[Aragorn] HEhe
[Frodo] Okay. Here I
go. Out on my own.
[Legolas] Yay, slash!
[Eowyn] I told you to take a
bath Pippin...
[Frodo] pretending he's beside
[Sam] I shall die for my
employer for no good reason. *glub*
[Celebrian] *pinches Aragorn's
ear* you were bought up NOT to kiss dead
[Frodo] Sam! Nooooo!
[Figwit] *goes to chill with
Eomer as Figwit isn't really with the
rest of the fellowship*
[Gimli] Slashyness!
[Frodo] *saves Sam*
[Legolas] Necrophilia.
[Aragorn] Ouch
[Pippin] I am angsting here, do
you mind?
[Figwit] So, how many blades of
grass you up to?
[Sam] *is wet*
[Eomer] *embraces Figwit*
I forgot when I saw your lucious elf
[Eomer] Kiss me, you fool!
[Celebrian] O_O
[Boromir] *floats down
waterfall* I always did love boating...
[Aragorn] Ooookay now, where is
Legolas? Gimli?
[Figwit] Um....
[Frodo] Okay, you can come so
that I can make sure you're not
suicidal anymore, Sam.
[Eowyn] ...
[Gimli] *still killing orcs*
[Frodo] And so that you can
save my ass from freaky spiders.
[Pippin] Can somneone please
SAVE me?
[Celebrian] Swoooooooooh!
Beginning of TT?
[Frodo] *paddles boat*
[Eomer] Eowyn, you want first
dibs on the elf?
[Figwit] I'm sorry, you're just
not my type
[Pippin] 'someone
[Sam] Spiders suck.
[Eowyn] Ok!
[Celebrian]*picks up Pippina dn
gives him to big Orcs*
[Legolas] *still shooting orcs,
I guess*
[Figwit] Eek!
[Gandalf] Pippin doesn't
deserve saving, the fool of a Took.
[Eowyn] ...which elf?
[Eomer] I get him after you
[Frodo] You know what else
sucks? The Ring. The Ring
sucks a lot.
[Eomer] Figwit
[Figwit] Eek!
[Pippin] Everyone is against
me... *sighs*
[Eomer] The lucious brunette
[Legolas] That's a bad thing,
[Figwit] EEK!