[AlsWaiter] 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... Nine PPCers talking about fangirls! AHH AHH AHH! *lightning flashes*
[AlsWaiter] *bats flutter*
[Teena] Okay, Count, settle down.
[Fawkes] ok...
[Catalyst] *giggles*
[Fawkes] lol
[AlsWaiter] lol
[WfR] *Grin*
[bjam] Hehe
[Fawkes] ...
[Andy] Yes, it was almost punny.
[Artemis] Nine people. Such a nice number
[Andy] . . . I'll stop now.
[Andy] Nine is an awesome number.
[Teena] VERY nice number. A meaningful number.
[Fawkes] ine is a great number
[WfR] Of course.
[AlsWaiter] Naturally nine.
[Artemis] Yup yup
[WfR] Darn. Beat me to the punch.
[Teena] *nods*
[Artemis] We should have a council, hehe.
[AlsWaiter] *winks*
[Fawkes] lol
[Fawkes] what exactly is our quest then?
[Artemis] Erm....
[AlsWaiter] I get dibs on Elrond's chair!
[Teena] To destroy the One Ring of Deus ex Machina.
[Catalyst] We seek the Holy Grail!
[Fawkes] that works
[Andy] I want Frodo's chair!
[Fawkes] I want Gimli's!
[Teena] I want Legolas' chair!
[bjam] I want Gimli's!
[bjam] Darnit
[Fawkes] :-D
[Andy] *steals it and hides it under her bed* MY preciouss.  Yess.
[Fawkes] I called it first!
[WfR] Hmm. I'll take whatever's left then. Gandalf!
[bjam]  I'll have Elrond's then!
[Luhtarían] I want Glorfindel's.
[AlsWaiter] Oooo! It's comfy! It pays to be an Elf Lord!
[bjam] Elrond's chair is prettttty
[Fawkes] Elrond's is taken
[Artemis] Aragorn's chair! *plops down in it*
[AlsWaiter] No BJ! OUT! I called it first
[bjam] Mrr...
[Andy] Frodo's chair is better 'cause Frodo sat in it. *nod*
[Artemis] Let's play musical chairs
[Fawkes] yesss
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] I got Legolas' chair because Legolas sat in it.
[AlsWaiter] You could sit on my lap if you wish? *winkwink* :-p
[bjam] *makes do with AW's lap* See, I'm not his fangirl, so this is perfectly fine ;)
[Andy] XD
[bjam] Woah. Same thought line!
[Catalyst] Is Figwit's chair still available?
[Fawkes] can I have a pretty ax to go with my chair?
[AlsWaiter] Yes. I deem it so
[WfR] Why not?
[Fawkes] Yay!
[Teena] And we should burn the chair of the Tenth Member Sue!
[Fawkes] Yissss
[AlsWaiter] *Puts on a tiara*
[bjam] Woot!
[Luhtarían] I've got matches!
[Artemis] Can I have a spiffy sword then?
[Teena] *evil grin* I'VE got a flamethrower.
[Fawkes] I've got this nifty ax now!
[Andy] FIRE! *_*
[Luhtarían] I get Asfaloth.
[bjam] What does the person sitting in Elrond's lap get?
[Catalyst] A gold star
[Artemis] ....
[bjam] Really?!
[Andy] I want no shoes. *tosses shoes away* ^_^
[Fawkes] an acheivement award
[AlsWaiter] A hug *gives BJ a nice hug* Ooo! And gold star works too.
[Andy] *cracks up @ Fawkes*
[WfR] Hey - does this mean I get a staff with which to whap Denethor? ;-)
[Fawkes] :)
[bjam] *places her gold star on*
[Fawkes] lol
[Sun Dec 28 18:51:00 EST 2003] Jon: Generic sci-fi?
[Artemis] Only if I can have a spiffy sword...
[Teena] Do I get bow and arrows?
[Catalyst] Oooh, sparkly
[Catalyst] *pokes bjam's gold star*
[bjam] *waves to Jon from AW's lap*
[Artemis] Gyah!
[Andy] I just want hobbit feet.
[Teena] Noooo!
[WfR] Kill it quickly!
[Fawkes] can I have thrwing ax's too?
[Luhtarían] KILL HIM! IT'S A STU!
[Andy] Yikes!
[Artemis] Hehe
[WfR] Hi Jon.
[Jon] *waves*
[Artemis] Hi
[AlsWaiter] *laughs*
[bjam] Now now, be welcoming!
[Fawkes] hi
[Catalyst] Run, Jon, run while you still can!
[Teena] But.... but we had nine!
[Andy] Hi Jon!  You're a tenth member, so we have to kill you now.
[WfR] Don't sit down!
[Fawkes] well....we have ten now!
[Artemis] Well.....
[WfR] No, we don't!
[AlsWaiter] That just ruins out council!
[Fawkes] He can be Bil the Pony
[WfR] There's no  Boromir!
[Artemis] We're the council, not the Fellowship
[Luhtarían] But we burnt his chair.
[Teena] *nodnod*
[AlsWaiter] I still get Elrond's chair
[bjam] Yes, he's Bill the Pony.
[Fawkes] Bill*
[Teena] I still get Legolas'
[bjam] I still get AW's lap.
[Artemis] I'm still in Aragorn's...Dunno exactly why
[Catalyst] *gives Jon a carrot*
[Andy] Right.  And I still get Frodo's chair.
[Jon] I always did like Bill.  *munches carrot*
[Fawkes] I've got Gimli's chair!
[WfR] *Pats Jon* I still get Gandalf's seat.
[AlsWaiter] So long as you don't have a boney butt, you can sit here for how ever long you want.
[Catalyst] Good pony *head pats*
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] ...Bony.
[bjam] I don't have a boney butt, don't worry ;)
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] There's no 'e' in it...
[bjam] *finds this entire conversation very funny*
[AlsWaiter] Toey is visiting
[Artemis] Yes there is. See it?
[WfR] *Nod*
[Artemis] ^_^
[bajm] He influenced me *points to AW*
[Teena] *face-faults*
[Fawkes] Yes, Toey is taking over my keyboard
[AlsWaiter] I gots lots of followers!
[Teena] Owww.... There are disadvantages to working the anime continuums...
[Luhtarían] I've got a clone.
[Artemis] We need to go on a quest to destroy Toey
[Luhtarían] A Toey clone, I mean.
[Catalyst] Is that our quest?
[WfR] Yes - we shall be . . .
[AlsWaiter] Make it so!
[Catalyst] It is a good quest.
[Fawkes] I thought our quest was to destry the...what was it again?
[bjam] Ooh, next person that comes in gets to be the Ring's pedestal in the middle of our chairs.
[WfR] *Dramatic pause* The Fellowship of the Thing!
[Sun Dec 28 18:54:20 EST 2003] Jon: Generic sci-fi?
[Andy] Whatever it is, I will take it!
[Fawkes] Cool!
[Artemis] Yay!
[Jon] *thwaps computer*  --;;
[AlsWaiter] Better than Fellowship of the Fling! *rimshot*
[Fawkes] hee
[bjam] *rolls eyes*
[WfR] *Laughs*
[Teena] *stands and looks at Andy* You have my bow to aid you! *pulls out her pretty red 50-pound-pull bow*
[Luhtarían] I can't /believe/ the PPC quest has a tenth member.
[Fawkes] how about we destry all Britney Spears CD's
[Sun Dec 28 18:55:24 EST 2003] Huinesoron has no profile.
[WfR] You have my staff.
[Artemis] Wait! I'm supposed to say she has my sword first!
[AlsWaiter] 11 now
[WfR] Hello, Huinesoron.
[Fawkes] The pedistel!
[bjam] Yes!
[Artemis] Well, Jon is Bill...
[Luhtarían] O look! It's the pedestel!
[Artemis] Hehehe
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] Pedestal.
[WfR] *Sporfle*
[bjam] Then he can turn into the ring's necklace ;)
[Fawkes] *kills keyboard*
[Artemis] Oh my...
[Fawkes] lol
[WfR] *Dies laughing*
[Jon] *munches more carrots*
[Catalyst] *gives Jon some lettuce just for variety*
[Artemis] *pets Jon* Good pony...
[Fawkes] hee
[AlsWaiter] LOL! Who's "Aragorn"?
[WfR] *Sporfle*
[Artemis] Oh well..
[bjam] So do me and AW just kinda hang about in Rivendell while you guys are off?
[Teena] Forget the necklace... *wicked, wicked grin* The next one can be Gandalf's staff.
[Fawkes] ...can I trade for Aragorn?
[Artemis] Um, I'm sitting in his chair
[Fawkes] He's my favorite character
[bjam] And whoever was in Figwit's chair.
[Artemis] No! *hugs chair*
[WfR] Hey! I'm Gandalf!
[Luhtarían] I'm Glorfindel... who do I get to be?
[bajm] We could just send Andy off on her own.
[AlsWaiter] You get Arwen's parts
[Andy] I am Frodo.  Who wants to offer me a sword?
[Catalyst] Me in Figwit's chair!
[WfR] Here go.
[Artemis] Me!
[Teena] This will go down in the annals as the most chaotic quest ever.
[Fawkes] *looks at ax* But I'm too small for this thing
[Artemis] You have my sword!
[Artemis] ^_^
[Teena] *falls over laughing*
[Luhtarían] And my... horse?
[WfR] And my staff!
[Fawkes] lol
[Artemis] Not really, but you know what I mean
[Andy] Hey, thanks! *takes Artemis' sword* I'll put it right next to my Eowyn action figure.
[Teena] *laughs more*
[Artemis] You can't *keep* it silly
[Fawkes] I'm just going to be Pippin then instead...
[Artemis] I've got to use it
[Andy] But you said I had it!  And now I do.
[AlsWaiter] Artemis, stay away from my daughter... er... son. I'm over protective and will not give her/him up to the likes of you...
[WfR] All right, all right. Who is who in here, now that we've all switched around?
[Andy] Look, it's all pointy and sharp and shiny.  I like it.
[Andy] Frodo!
[Teena] I'm Legolas!
[AlsWaiter] You... distant... relative... you...
[Catalyst] Figwit!
[Artemis] Okay then adopted-daddy of mine
[Fawkes] ...can I be Eowyn?
[WfR] *Laughs* I'm Gandalf.
[Luhtarían] Glorfindel?
[WfR] Go for it.
[Fawkes] Woo-hoo!
[Andy] How about they just follow us?
[Artemis] Hi
[Fawkes] the ring's chain?
[Luhtarían] The pedestel?
[WfR] Isn't she Gandalf's staff?
[Teena] We have another one coming soon. My partner.
[Fawkes] ...
[Artemis] XD
[WfR] *Dies laughing*
[bjam] *grins and pops on a tiara*
[Ekwy] Yikes, lots of you here today. *is chocked*
[Fawkes] lol
[Artemis] YEah, I can save it unless my computer does something weird
[Catalyst] There's a Collegium of Valdemar?
[bjam] I ahve from Fawkes' "woohoo"
[Fawkes] ...10?
[Artemis] Er wait...
[Ekwy] It's late... Do not bully me for spelling! *pouts*
[WyldeHorse] Yes. I'm writing it.
[Sun Dec 28 19:01:29 EST 2003] Luhtarian: Stupid computer
[Fawkes] what?
[Fawkes] 11
[Teena] This is my partner, Wylde-chan. She's also the Dean of OFCoV.
[Luhtarian] So who's who?
[bjam] So we're going on a quest, yeah?
[AlsWaiter] Then someone save it. I, as the Present Elven Lord, demand someone save this chat... I've already lost the main part of it... the page started over again.
[WfR] Yeah.
[Fawkes] wait...what'd I do?
[Luhtarian] Me too.
[WyldeHorse] I still have emtpy rooms in the Student Dorms.
[Teena] I'm also the Course Coordinator of OFUX. We're both very energetic and have time to teach AND kill Sues.
[bjam] I hvae the main bit of it.
[Fawkes] I'll try and save it...
[WyldeHorse] And be students in each other's schools to spy on students...
[Luhtarian] We can piece together our annals later.
[Teena] That, too.
[AlsWaiter] Save it please, oh love of my life who leaves after being scarred for life.
[Luhtarian] So are we going to Mt. Doom to destroy Toey?
[bjam] Wait, AW, who are you talking to?
[WfR] Yeah, supposedly.
[Ekwy] *goes and sits down in randomly appearing chair* What are people discussing here?
[AlsWaiter] You BJ
[Fawkes] wait...what exactly are we destrying?
[bjam] Oh ^_^
[WfR] Hey- Golding fan!
[Luhtarian] Toey.
[AlsWaiter] Toey, the ring of typos
[bjam] Toey's Deus Ex Machina I think the term was/
[Fawkes] ok
[Andy] Well, it wasnt' really a joke, per-say, she just made the name itself as a joke . . .
[Fawkes] lol
[bjam] I can kinda guess what it was...
[Jon] Poor Toey.
[Teena] Oh. So did I.
[Andy] Oh wait, this means I have to carry Toey, doesn't it? o_o
[Fawkes] I still say we should kill Britney Spears
[bjam] *nod*
[Andy] . . . darnit.  *kisses her spelling abilities good-bye*
[Teena] ....That's a good idea, too.
[WyldeHorse] As long as you don't write anything, you should be fine.
[Fawkes] lol
[Andy] ;_;
[bjam] Hehe
[Luhtarian] I'll carry Toey... preciousssss...
[Andy] That shouldn't be a problem. *glares at writers block*
[Ekwy] Kill Britney spears? I support that!
[Catalyst] We shall help you bear this burden, as long as it is yours to bear.
[Fawkes] nah, we don't want Andy carrying Britney Spears
[WfR] I've got the main part of the chat saved now. *Grins proudly*
[bjam] Ooh, I get to sit here throughout the entire quest looking pretty and elf-lord wifely.
[Andy] Ick.  I draw the line at carrying Britney Spears.
[WyldeHorse] If anyone doesn't mind really small mounts, I can provide Mini-companions to carry the Fellowship of the Toe-RIng.
[Fawkes] lol
[Catalyst] We could cut her into little pieces to make her easier to carry.
[Fawkes] mm-k
[bjam] Hehe
[Fawkes] lol
[Sun Dec 28 19:05:49 EST 2003] Dor: Lurker.  Mostly.  Kind of.
[WfR] Hello.
[Luhtarian] 13?
[Fawkes] arg! More!
[Catalyst] Though that does kind of make the quest redundant.
[Andy] Ack!
[bjam] But she's like the Terminator she just flows back together.
[Dor] .... Whoa.
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] My minis are man-eating trees, we could just do that.
[Dor] Allo, folks!!
[Fawkes] erm....Gandalf's staff!
[Artemis] Hello
[WyldeHorse] No, they just eat souls.
[Ekwy] Hi Dor!
[Fawkes] hi
[Artemis] Hehe
[Dor] hi Ekwy.
[Catalyst] We could try taking each piece somewhere different.
[Teena] They do NOT, they also drink blood.
[Ekwy] What's up?
[AlsWaiter] Well, I'm not unemployed at the toy store.... *Elrond breaks down in sobs*
[Fawkes] ...
[Teena] Hence the whole 'blood turns the petals pink' thing.
[WyldeHorse] Ah. Gomen.
[WfR] *Gives Elrond a pat on the back*
[Fawkes] Elrond's sobbing...that's a very odd picture
[bjam] We're on a quest to destroy Toey, Dor!
[Catalyst] Www, *head pats AW* There there, your elven lordliness.
[bjam] *hugs Elrond* There there
[Luhtarian] I'm Glorfindel! *proad*
[Teena] *would give Elrond a pat on the back, but is Legolas and who knows what the slashers would do with that*
[Luhtarian] *proud
[WyldeHorse] Do you need mounts?
[Fawkes] lol
[Luhtarian] See why we want to kill Toey?
[WyldeHorse] I'll go with you, too.
[bjam] I'm Elrond/AW's wife!
[Catalyst] Oooh, mounts are a good idea.
[WfR] Okay!
[Fawkes] I'll go also!
[Artemis] I'm AW's adopted kid ^_^
[Ekwy] How many are going to this quest anyway?
[WyldeHorse] They're really small, though. Mini-Companions.
[bjam] Does that mean you're my kid as well?
[Andy] Because Toey is bad?
[WyldeHorse] Me!
[Fawkes] I'm the kick-ass woman!
[Sun Dec 28 19:08:00 EST 2003] Teena: Ack!
[Andy] I'm the doey-eyed hobbit!
[AlsWaiter] *stops sobbing* You shall be the Fellowship of the Thing.
[Fawkes] ...o.O
[Artemis] Yay!
[bjam] And there was much rejoicing.
[Luhtarian] All 12?
[Dor] bjam, doesn't that make you She-Whose-Name-Means-Bad-Smut?
[Teena] Sorry, I didn't know closing the IE window would close this, too.
[Catalyst] yaaaaay
[WyldeHorse] So, is everyone currently on the chat going to destroy Toey?
[Fawkes] O.O
[WfR] I think so.
[Teena] Yep.
[Ekwy] So it seems...
[Luhtarian] Doesn't that make us 9 canons and 3 Sues?
[Fawkes] and Britney Spears
[bjam] ...yes. But a lot of bleepka can get rid of that :)
[WyldeHorse] I need to know how many Mini-Companions I need to get.
[AlsWaiter] Yes
[Artemis] Hmmm
[Catalyst] I'm Figwit, that's somewhere in between canon and Sue...
[AlsWaiter] Get them out of here... well... two Sues.... Jon is Bill the Pony
[WyldeHorse] 13, then. That's how many people are now on the chat.
[Catalyst] Maybe I count as a half.
[AlsWaiter] Yah, Pack-mule
[Artemis] We need an Arwen, that's what we need
[Fawkes] I'm Eowyn
[Dor] bjam, I'm of the opinion that getting rid of C---b---n will involve a small nuke, myself.
[WfR] Darn - I have to leave. Um, if anyone asks, I've fallen into shadow.
[bjam] *grins* Okay.
[Fawkes] ...ok
[AlsWaiter] I say Glorfindel should replace Arwen.
[Teena] I'm Legolas, so I'm canon.
[Catalyst] *sobs* Noooooo!!!1111!!!one!!!
[bjam] Canon characters get their minds altered stronger ;)
[Fawkes] I'm not exactly canon to join the Fellowship...but oh well
[Luhtarian] Yes, Glorfindel should replace Arwen.
[Andy] What, have Aragorn and Glorfindel get hitched?SLASH!
[Catalyst] poor WfR *sobs*
[Artemis] Hm...
[Ekwy] Who can I be... *ponders* which ones are taken?
[bjam] I'm canon
[Jon] Meh.  They need someone to carry all the food.  Otherwise, there wouldn't be enough for the hobbits.
[Fawkes] yes
[bjam] All the Hobbits are left (apart from Frodo)
[Andy] Oh woe, o sadness, that WfR has fallen into shadow . .. pass the lembas.
[Fawkes] yeah, who's who exactly here
[Andy] I'm a hobbit.
[Luhtarian] Except I'm Glorfindel... and I'm female... so not slash?
[Sun Dec 28 19:10:26 EST 2003] WyldeHorse: Dean of the Official Fanfiction Collegium of Valdemar
[Ekwy] Ohh. Pippin! I call him!
[Teena] Legolas.
[Artemis] Well, I'm Aragorn and female too, so yeah x__x
[Catalyst] I'm Figwit
[Fawkes] I'm Eowyn
[bjam] I'm a non-Quest canon person...
[Luhtarian] Femmeslash!
[Artemis] Yipes
[bjam] Hehe
[Teena] Genderbender!
[Fawkes] o.O
[AlsWaiter] I'll be like PJ and change teh movie... you shall want to marry Elrohir!
[Fawkes] lol
[Artemis] Hey, okay!
[Catalyst] tsk tsk, bad PJ
[AlsWaiter] And please get Toey out of here... he's making me look bad
[Sun Dec 28 19:11:34 EST 2003] WyldeHorse: Dean of the Official Fanfiction Collegium of Valdemar
[Andy] -_- Nyah.
[Fawkes] ....
[WyldeHorse] Sorry, accidently closed this.
[Andy] *grabs Toey and sticks him . . . somewhere safe*
[Fawkes] ah
[bjam] That means me and AW are the only plausible couple in here... unless
[bjam] someone wants to get with Bill the Pony over there?
[Ekwy] *makes mushrooms magically appear* Open for grabs everyone!
[Catalyst] You are forgiven.
[AlsWaiter] lol
[WyldeHorse] Of course, Alberish for me.
[Fawkes] hee
[Teena] Ewwww..... Bestiality... Yay! *glomps her mini-Companion*
[Fawkes] darn
[Artemis] Bill the Pony? *is reminded of the Sue stories*
[Jon] Yesh, I'm an eligible, handsome pony.  ^^
[AlsWaiter] Jon = oL' William
[WyldeHorse] ja
[Ekwy] *grins*
[Luhtarian] If you do not save the entirety of this quest, I will follow each and every one of you and stab you to death with a spoon.
[Teena] You can date one of the Companions.
[bjam] I ahve it, I have it ;)
[Catalyst] Bill the Pony could hook up with Asfoloth!
[Fawkes] ...we can?
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] The PONY can...
[Fawkes] Who want to be Faramir here!
[WyldeHorse] SO, that takes us down to 11.
[Dor] Catalyst, you just made me rediscover the joys of hot coffee out the nose....
[AlsWaiter] Or Knives... pointy knives that burn with the fires of a thousand evils.
[WyldeHorse] Hmm...
[Artemis] Ohh!
[Fawkes] lol
[Teena] *swings up onto her favored mini-Companion with lithe elven grace*
[Artemis] I want a knife like that!
[bjam] Knives ^_^
[Andy] I want a knife that burns with the fire of a thousand evils!
[Fawkes] matches...
[Catalyst] Oh, we're sorry, Dor
[Fawkes] Ohhh
[Ekwy] I like knives. They're sharp! *happy*
[WyldeHorse] Anyone feel up to a Mini spawned from a deity?
[Catalyst] At least it wasn't carbonated.  *knows from experience*
[Teena] I want a knife that burns with the fire of a thousand Suvian flames. It's hotter.
[bjam] *shudders*
[Dor] Catalyst, it's what I get for showing up here after being awake (*checks clock*) 18 minutes.
[Fawkes] lol
[bjam] I want a sniy knife
[Artemis] Dor could be Elrohir
[AlsWaiter] I suppose. Will protect the fellowship from real Sues
[WyldeHorse] If so, I have Vkandis and Kevandis here.
[Catalyst] hehehe
[bjam] *shiney*
[bjam] Toey really has to be destoryed.
[Teena] I thought you put Toey somewhere safe!
[Andy] I did!
[Catalyst] I'll take Vkandis
[Artemis] Not safe enough, apparently
[bjam] Mmm... sinusy-y swords!
[AlsWaiter] Not safe enough.
[Andy] *looks in her sock* Yup, still there!
[Catalyst] go Sunlord!
[Teena] Obviously.
[Ekwy] You can never be safe from Toey...
[AlsWaiter] Blar! Get Toey out!
[Andy] Okay, okay . .. *pulls TOey out*
[Andy] AAAH!  I'm already being corrupted! X_x
[AlsWaiter] ... *tear drops* That's not what I meant.
[Teena] *pulls out the Oxford Dictionary of Grammar and Spelling, or a book to that effect* Begone, foul typo beast!
[Andy] ;_; o woe is me! *looks doey eyed* Why ever did I volunteer for such a perilous task? . . .*sits down in Frodo's chair again* Preciouss.
[bjam] So... shall we head off to Mordor?
[WyldeHorse] So, everyone who has a mount currently, say so, so I know how many more I need.
[Fawkes] k, I'm back
[Catalyst] I like Tylendel better, any minis of him?
[WyldeHorse] No, sorry.
[Fawkes] I don't have a mount!
[AlsWaiter] And Mt Dom?
[WyldeHorse] I'm getting there!
[Fawkes] lol
[Ekwy] To Mordor we'll go! *packs musrooms*
[Andy] MOUNT DOM! *fangirl squee*
[Ekwy] *mushrooms
[WyldeHorse] I also have 3 Vanyel-spawned minis.
[Fawkes] *packs random little do-dads*
[Teena] Mt. Dom?!! *snickersnicker* Does that go with Mt. Sub?
[Catalyst] Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to Mordor we go...
[Artemis] You could take musrooms too
[Catalyst] Vanyel!
[Andy] *packs pointy knife* Don't I need a Sam?
[Artemis] Yeah, we need to finish this whole quest thing so I can marry Elrohir XD
[Ekwy] Yeah... But what are they?
[Catalyst] *glomps all three of the minis*
[Teena] Alright, alright, let's get this quest on the road!
[WyldeHorse] Venyel, Vanyil, and Vanyels.
[Ekwy] *shrugs and packs said musrooms too* well, you never know...
[Teena] We're going to Mt. Dom to whip Toey into submission.
[Catalyst] Can i have Vanyels?
[WyldeHorse] Everyone who needs a mount, raise their hand?
[WyldeHorse] Sure.
[Andy] *raises hand*
[Catalyst] Yippy!
[WyldeHorse] So, who has who?
[Fawkes] hee
[Jon] *starts sniffing things to see what's edible*
[bjam] I'll just be carried to Modor by my husband *grins*
[Fawkes] lol
[WyldeHorse] And needs a munt, right...
[Catalyst] I have Vanyels.
[AlsWaiter] I think the Ring knows of our plan.... do you think we shouldn't have brought it to the council?
[Sun Dec 28 19:18:15 EST 2003] Dor: Confused Lurker
[WyldeHorse] Ah, damn! Toey's getting to me too!
[Artemis] I think AW's right
[Catalyst] *gives Jon a rootebega*
[Andy] Stupid ring! *starts yelling at Toey*
[Teena] Probably not. *sitting contentedly on Silver Fox*
[Artemis] He's trying to mess up our plans. Stupid ring
[Andy] Why are you making my life so messed up?!
[bjam] Oh look, we're on Caradhras! *pointsto snow*
[Fawkes] I'll ride my little plastic Shadowfax...
[Catalyst] Already?
[Teena] rutabaga, I think...
[Artemis] How did that happen?
[Fawkes] arg!
[Andy] Oh.  I'm cold then.
[bjam] Toey works with the Sues time-traveling devicces
[Teena] Sue-verse distances.
[Catalyst] oops, rutabaga
[WyldeHorse] Andy, how about Merden?
[Ekwy] Cold... *shivers* Hey, we're travelling at 'sue-speed!
[Andy] What's Merden?
[Fawkes] oh thats good, mine just refreshed itself
[AlsWaiter] My wife! :D
[Fawkes] :)
[AlsWaiter] *huggles wifey*
[WyldeHorse] Another mini-companion, spawned from Vanyel's nephew Medren.
[bjam] :D
[Fawkes] lol
[Fawkes] get a room
[Jon] *nods*  Just checked that.  *munches anyways*
[bjam] *huggles husband-y*
[AlsWaiter] Okay!
[Fawkes] lol
[WyldeHorse] *mounts Alberish*
[bjam] O_O
[Ekwy] Aww...
[Fawkes] Arg!
[Andy] Oh, okay. *glomps Merden*
[Andy] I have a mini, if it helps. *pokes Adny*
[AlsWaiter] *picks up Celebrian and disappears somewhere in Imladris*
[Fawkes] wait...I stil didn't get a real horse
[Fawkes] still*
[WyldeHorse] ew, that last line of mine didn't sound quite right...
[Fawkes] O.O
[Andy] XDXD
[bjam] *eyes widen as she gets carried off*
[WyldeHorse] You need a mount, Fawkes?
[Catalyst] *picks up and carries Vanyels*
[Ekwy] I have a whole bunch of minis... *points at Ekwt*
[Fawkes] *is getting disturbed*
[Fawkes] yes, yes I do
[Catalyst] I think I shall be Vanyels' steed.
[Dor] Fawkes, well, hurry up and finish getting there.  You've fallen behind the rest of us. ;)
[WyldeHorse] How about Selenray?
[Ekwy] *stops to build a snowman*
[Fawkes] ...can I just ride a mini?
[Teena] Ack... Legolas got lost in Moria, guys, I have to go help bring stuff in from the car.
[Fawkes] lol
[Catalyst] *throws snowballs at everyone*
[Fawkes] ok, bye!
[Fawkes] ack! snow!
[WyldeHorse] *uses Alberish as a sheild*
[Fawkes] hee
[Artemis] Oh well.
[WyldeHorse] Hmm... We have one extra.
[Fawkes] Oh dear...
[WyldeHorse] Who gets to be the Mary-Sue Add-On?
[Fawkes] Erm...Eowyn is out killing the Witch-King
[Artemis] Jon is Bill, remember?
[Dor] (I won't be taking part, but I -will- be tossing in snarky comments where necessary.)
[WyldeHorse] Ah, yes.
[Andy] *angsts* It's all my fault. Everyone's dying. It's all my fault. Mine and the stupid ring. Yes, for some obscure reason, It's my fault Legolas is lost . . . *angsts*
[WyldeHorse] So, who does that make me?
[AlsWaiter] And BJ and I aren't going on the quest... unless 9 is really needed.
[WyldeHorse] Ah, now we're even.
[AlsWaiter] :P
[Artemis] Yup, nine again
[Catalyst] Angsty!Frodo!
[Andy] I need a trusted servant.
[bjam] *nod* We'll hang about in Imladris...
[Andy] O Woe!  Curse this accursed Ring!
[Andy] *looks doey eyed and sad*
[WyldeHorse] Hmm... Can I be Gimli?
[AlsWaiter] Yes
[Ekwy] Aw... *pats Andy*
[WyldeHorse] Yay! I get to be the awesome way-cool dwarf~!
[AlsWaiter] No drooling, Celebrian.
[Ekwy] I'm Pippin, so I get to wear a nifty armor... *bounces*
[bjam] *closes mouth* I don't drool, Elrond.
[WyldeHorse] Yea, but I get the ax!
[Catalyst] Well, I'm Figwit, I get to pout for about half a second.
[Artemis] Hm, I've got to restart my internet connection. Erm, this is the part where I fall off a cliff, and have a dream about... Elrohir, yeah. *grins*
[Catalyst] *beams proudly*
[AlsWaiter] You forget... I'm over protective for no reason. Must stay IC
[Ekwy] I can sing! Hah!
[AlsWaiter] lol
[bjam] I get to wear pretty dresses and be in love with Elrond*
[Andy] And I'm *still* Frodo.  So I get to go to paradise! And angst! ^_^
[Jon] *tries munching Frodo's cloak*
[AlsWaiter] lol
[Catalyst] Ack, bad pony!
[Andy] MY PRECIOUS! *yanks cloak away*
[Artemis] Meanwhile AQ has to try to convince Elrohir not to marry me, right
[WyldeHorse] Here, have a carrot, Bill!
[Catalyst] *gives Jon a tomato*
[Artemis] *AW
[Artemis] Gah!
[Catalyst] No munching Mr. Frodo
[Andy] Hey!
[AlsWaiter] Basically. I shall do my duty! *salutes*
[Andy] *pouts* That's Ms. Frodo to you!
[Ekwy] *grins widely* Having trouble there, Artemis?
[Catalyst] Oh, right, sorry
[AlsWaiter] Bad son. No you can't go marry for love. Go live forever and angst there.
[bjam] We'll ahve a parental talk about the birds and the bees, won't we dearie?
[Catalyst] Ack! Birds! Bees!  *runs away*
[AlsWaiter] Indeed
[bjam] *grins*
[AlsWaiter] *stands up and looks all important like*
[Ekwy] Aren't we on an important mission here? *looks around*
[WyldeHorse] *polishes ax*
[Sun Dec 28 19:28:11 EST 2003] Aragorn: Isildur's Heir...yay! -Artemis
[bjam] Yes
[Aragorn] Why did my name never leave? Oh well..
[bjam] Where are we now?
[AlsWaiter] Then why are you still here? Time is of the essence.... or something like that... oh yeah... and secrecy too.
[bjam] *shrugs*
[Andy] That's right, I have angsting to do.
[Sun Dec 28 19:28:32 EST 2003] Luhtarian: I have returned.
[bjam] Yeah, go bugger off
[Luhtarian] Wha?
[AlsWaiter] Down wife
[bjam] The Quest people are still here
[bjam] *down*
[Aragorn] I'm actually here under two names. *pokes Artemis* Why is it still here?
[bjam] Hi Luht
[bjam] Woah...
[Luhtarian] What exactly is going on?
[WyldeHorse] Confusing.
[bjam] We're on a quest to destroy Toey
[AlsWaiter] We're trying to kick the Fellowship out of Imladris.
[Aragorn] Oh well.
[Luhtarian] Am I still Glorfindel?
[bjam] *behins picking some of them up and kicking them out*
[AlsWaiter] Get you gone!
[Aragorn] Okay okay...Where did the angsty little hobbit go, anyway?
[AlsWaiter] Less this evil shall spread further!
[Sun Dec 28 19:30:07 EST 2003] Frodo: Otherwise known as Andy
[Ekwy] I see no reason why you can't be... Woah
[Frodo] Did ya miss me?
[Aragorn] Oh there's the hobbit
[WyldeHorse] And the Fellowship is all mounted on Mini-Companions provided by the Dean of the Official Fanfiction Collegium of Valdemar.
[Frodo] . . . Of course you did. *fondles Toey*
[Aragorn] Oh there's the hobbit
[Sun Dec 28 19:30:46 EST 2003] Elrond: The Blue Elf (TBE)
[WyldeHorse] C'mon, Alberish, let's not get kicked out.
[Elrond] There we go.
[Sun Dec 28 19:31:09 EST 2003] Gimli: Dean of the Official Fanfiction Collegium of Valdemar
[Aragorn] Oh fun
[Dor] *quietly watches the room fill with canons*
[Celebrian] Woo, full of canons now.
[Glorfindel] Do we have the entire Fellowship?
[Pippin] *watches Frodo angst* Interesting...
[Frodo] Nope,
[Elrond] *leaps inside upon seeing wifey*
[Figwit] I think we're missing a hobbit or two
[Frodo] We need a Merry, Sam, Legolas, Boromir . .
[Glorfindel] I'll  be Boromir!
[Gimli] Well, Legolas isn't here, but she had to go help with groceries.
[Sun Dec 28 19:33:25 EST 2003] Legolas: Wylde-chan told me to....
[Gimli] Hopefully, she'll be back soon.
[Elrond] lol That sounds so wrong
[Celebrian] *grin*
[Frodo] Yeah, Legolas got lost.
[Sun Dec 28 19:33:33 EST 2003] Boromir: Let's change our names, just for the heck of it. (I was once Luhtarian, and Glorfindel.)
[Gimli] Correctin, she IS back.
[Boromir] There, now I'm Boromir.
[Legolas] Legolas has found hir way back.
[Frodo] Oh. Yay!
[Figwit] Marvelous!
[Gimli] This is WyldeHorse.
[Sun Dec 28 19:33:53 EST 2003] Bill the Pony: ...Otherwise known as Jon.
[Legolas] (Hir is a non-gender pronoun)
[Frodo] xd
[Frodo] XD
[Aragorn] Boromir, yay!
[Gimli] Now we have everyone!
[Celebrian] Gosh, I hope some random PPCer walks in :) They'll be confused
[Boromir] So... who're we missing now?
[Aragorn] Sam
[Frodo] *angsts some more* And now I'm being stripped of my basic capitalization skills! ;_;
[Figwit] Still need a Merry and a Sam?
[Sun Dec 28 19:34:34 EST 2003] Sam: Also AW
[Gimli] Oh, right.
[Frodo] W00t!  A loyal servant to save my ass. ^_^
[Pippin] *shrugs and eats some mushrooms*
[Sam] This is going to be a right pickle, Mr Frodo
[Gimli] Duh.
[Aragorn] Hm, yes Merry
[Figwit] Mmm...pickle....
[Elrond] Shhh
[Bill the Pony] *sniffs Pippin's mushrooms*
[Figwit] *gives Bill the Pony a pickle*
[Sun Dec 28 19:35:15 EST 2003] Kara has no profile.
[Bill the Pony] *eats the pickle*
[Pippin] Where are we now, quest-wise?
[Aragorn] Gandalf
[Gimli] Merry.
[Frodo] Merry, and eventually we'll need a Gandalf again .  ..
[Celebrian] Hi Kara
[Aragorn] Gandalf the white, hehe
[Kara] Hi.
[Frodo] Hiya! *waves @ Kara*
[Aragorn] *waves*
[Gimli] Hmm... I can go fetch Gandlaf?
[Legolas] *waves*
[Dor] hi Kara.
[Figwit] we're through Moria already?
[Gimli] *also waves*
[Aragorn] Erm, you'd better get Gandalf, actually
[Kara] *waves back*
[Figwit] Hello, Kara
[Boromir] Kara could be Merry.
[Pippin] Why, hi there Kara.
[Sun Dec 28 19:36:08 EST 2003] Huinesoron has no profile.
[Legolas] There, hS can be Gandalf.
[Aragorn] Hey, yeah...Or hS here
[Boromir] Ah, and hS could be Gandalf.
[Huinesoron] ... wibble...
[Sam] *follows Frodo like a lost puppy*
[Aragorn] Yah!
[Frodo] Yay.  hS!  Be Gandalf!
[Gimli] Yea!
[Huinesoron] Uh?
[Gimli] Be Gandalf
[Celebrian] We're on the quest
[Figwit] You're Gandalf
[Boromir] We're going on a quest to destroy Toey.
[Figwit] *nods*
[Legolas] *is holding an arrow to his bow and looking alert*
[Gimli] We're going to throw Toey into Mt. Doom, I think.
[Boromir] Check our profiles for our old names.
[Gimli] *poses with ax*
[Frodo] No, we're throwing it in Mt. Dom.
[Figwit] *pouts for two seconds of film time*
[Sun Dec 28 19:37:17 EST 2003] Kara: Again...
[Aragorn] *poses with Anduril and looks...ranger-ly, but also kingly*
[Huinesoron] ... wibble...
[Pippin] (I'm Ekwy!) *eats more mushrooms... and some musrooms too*
[Huinesoron] And what do I do?
[Frodo] *angsts* O woe is me!
[Figwit] Catalyst, normally
[Elrond] We're missing a Merry
[Celebrian] *teaches Arwen to sew*
[Frodo] . . .y'known, we'll need a Gollum, eventually.
[Boromir] Pose with your staff.
[Huinesoron] WIBBLE!!!
[Boromir] I've got the Horn of Gondor.
[Pippin] Yes, does anybody want to fall down mt Doom later on?
[Figwit] Oooh!  Me! Me!
[Sam] How about sleding down?
[Boromir] I'll die before then, so I will...
[Figwit] Pick me!
[Huinesoron] I assume this means changing my name, yes?
[Frodo] Yes.
[Huinesoron] Drat.
[Figwit] Yup yup
[Boromir] If you like...
[Sam] Just makes the RP easier
[Frodo] Or we could lounge on a convenient rock in nice warm lava.
[Gimli] (*is laughing maniacly*)
[Frodo] And angst!
[Sam] Duck and cover!
[Huinesoron] Which Gandalf am I right now?
[Boromir] Grey, I think.
[Aragorn] *pokes Artemis* Artemis is Sauron. Hehe.
[Frodo] Aren't we out of Moria?
[Sam] Grey but if we're in Moria... kaput Gandalf soon.
[Figwit] Teehehe
[Sun Dec 28 19:39:08 EST 2003] Legolas: Teena. Got bumped, gaaaah.
[Celebrian] Okay... so you guys are in Rivendell still?
[Gimli] We're short a Merry, though.

Proceed to Fellowship of the Thing