"I helped to make Honduras right for the
American fruit companies in 1903. I helped to make Mexico - and especially
Tampico - safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti
and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues
in. I brought life to the Dominican Republic for American sugar in 1916.
In China, in 1937, I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
I was rewarded with honors, medals, and promotions. Looking back on it,
I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was
to operate his racket in three city districts. We Marines operated on three
--Major-General Smedley "Old Gimlet Eye" Butler, USMC, conflicted hero of the Spanish American War, the Boxer Rebellion, World War I, and sundry other interventionist games of the first part of the 20th century. The only thing missing I see there is Hawaii... |
~ Odd Lots ~(Odd stuff, and lots of it) |
Guest Stars |
5/10/02 Protectors
of the Plot Continuum
Exiled unjustly from ffnet, here you will find PPC: TOS, by Jay & Acacia,
aka Harpwire, Assassins Extraordinaire,
numerous spinoffs, and the PPC Posting Board.
Back up and running 3/11/03!
"Do not meddle in the affairs of assassins, for we are
heavily-armed and quick to anger. And not noticeably subtle."
and Eliza, A Novel
Sir George and Lady Harcourt were superintending the Labours of their Haymakers,
rewarding the industry of some by smiles of approbation, & punishing
the idleness of others
by a cudgel, they perceived lying closely concealed beneath the thick foliage
of a Haycock,
a beautifull little Girl not more than 3 months old..."
& Alice, A Novel (in 9 chapters)
"The Johnsons were a family of Love, & though a little addicted to
the Bottle & the Dice,
had many good Qualities."
& Elfrida, A Novel (in 5 chapters)
"From this period, the intimacy between the Families of Fitzroy, Drummond,
and Falknor
daily increased, till at length it grew to such a pitch, that they did
not scruple to kick one
another out of the window on the slightest provocation."
Visit, A Play in 2 Acts
Come Girls, let us circulate the Bottle.
A very good notion, Cousin; & I will second it with all my Heart. Stanly,
you don't drink.
Madam, I am drinking draughts of Love from Cloe's eyes.
That's poor nourishment truly. Come, drink to her better acquaintance.
Letter From a Young Lady, whose feeling being too Strong for her Judgement,
led her into
the commission of Errors which her Heart disapproved. —
Just what it says...
Original Fiction |
For your delight or horror:
A Boy, A Girl, & A Dog: The
Lay of Leithian Dramatic Script
(with apologies to Messrs. Shakespeare and Tolkien)
7/12/03 Geneology chart (rev 3) with the combined royal houses
of the Eldar and the Edain, based on LOTR & Silm., with some input
from HOME, in plain
black and color
formats; (many thanks to Vorondis for indicating where references in HOME
could be found.) [Archivist's note: Unfortunately neither version is preserved.]
An index page showing the relation of all current and planned Silmarillion stories, including those listed below.
(Stories from the cycle For One Year of the Sun: Terrible Gifts - short story, complete, very dark, R for violence-with-reason. Context provided in the Notes
Betrayals, Renunciations— - sequel to Terrible Gifts: Tol Sirion II. Not as violent as the previous story, but more psychologically oppressive. Complete. Shadow and Silver - Tol Sirion III. Complete. PG13 - R for thematic reasons, not for the treatment of them. Fell
Knowledge - Anfauglith. Complete. Fairly short; PG13 - R for horror,
some violence.
Hunting - short and practically cheerful (PG for monster slaying) set late in the First Age. Complete.
In Brethil's Shade - short story, First Age, minimal angst. Concerning Two Kings and a Message from a Lady...Complete. ![]() Exultation of Gold - Extremely Short Story, First Age, Complete, G -- Never Laugh at Live Dragons . . . Because he isn't a fat gray iguana! ![]() Ongoing - begun 5/17/02. Updated 8/20/02. Silmarillion story: the Fall of Gondolin from an unusual viewpoint. The Timelost I. A Rede II. Ringa – The Coldness III. Únyárima – A Tale Beyond Telling IV. Rúkin – 'I fear it' V. The Sky is Like the Sea VI. Hecilë – She Who is Lost and Forsaken VII. Úquétima – What Cannot Be Spoken Timelost Glossary |
Hope: Eight Days at Gondor Medical
"Fantasy is made out of the Primary World,
but a good craftsman loves his material, and has a knowledge and feeling for clay, stone and wood which only the art of making can give. By the forging of Gram cold iron was revealed; by the making of Pegasus horses were ennobled; in the Trees of the Sun and Moon root and stock, flower and fruit are manifested in glory." — from "On Fairy-stories," by J.R.R. Tolkien |